The education experience
(our secret sauce)
Northwest Nuclear Laboratories is unlike any education experience in the world because our scientists develop confidence unlike any in the world.
real scientists
It is one thing to study a subject, however it is quite another to engage it within a practical setting. At Northwest Nuclear Laboratories it begins with a lab coat, name plate, dosimeter, and a cutting-edge research laboratory. There is a defining moment when a teenager dons their lab coat, powers up the reactor, hears the crackle of radiation detectors while witnessing a literal star being created in a controlled reactor environment. It is a metamorphosis of sorts; childhood naivety is replaced with a certain degree of confidence and desire to inquire and understand their natural world. And within that moment, a new scientist is born.
Northwest Nuclear Laboratories is a laboratory for High School and early college undergrads who want to experience the end goal of their education beforehand. They want to know what it will feel like one day to stand inside a laboratory doing original research. Its hard to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars, and make the painful sacrifices required to excel academically for a 4-year education only to find that you really don’t enjoy the work in the first place. We offer an alternative. We are not an academic institution, but rather simulate a real research company so well, we are having to file patents on what is being created. The science is real, cutting edge, and unprecedented. To prepare you for this experience we offer a Fusion Reactor Operations Training Program that ramps you up on nuclear technology, the reactor we operate, and the protocol required to run it. This training only occurs during the June to September time frame as two-week summer camps. The cost is $1,000 and space is limited so register early. We encourage those considering this training to tour the laboratory and reactor first to acquaint you with our facilities. Please reach out through our contact form to schedule your tour.
Once you complete this training, you will have a really good idea what the inside of a laboratory is all about, and if you excel in the program you will be invited to apply for a year-around volunteer internship position on one of our 3 research teams. It doesn't take long for our scientists to begin doing college-level work and quite often graduate-level scientific work.
really, really smart people
Working side-by-side with mentors that are passionate electrical engineers, nuclear scientists, programmers, astronauts, executives, project managers, and teachers at some of the most well-respected companies and schools in the region means that dreams are no longer aspirational, but tangible. Our mentors inspire our scientists to see what is possible and provide a path to achieve that possibility.
A wickedly cool laboratory
Let's face it, there is little else in this world that is as awe-inspiring or mysterious as nuclear fusion technology. Not only is the technology jaw dropping, but we also have instrumentation, lighting, cameras, and video displays to ensure our students know how exciting this is. The mastery of nuclear science for peaceful purposes unlocks a capability for mankind to move forward in areas that exist only in the furthest regions of our imagination: propelling spacecraft, powering highly technological cities, and healing the cells that make up our bodies. Atoms literally make up everything. Nuclear science let's us understand the building blocks of our universe and perhaps someday allow mankind to master those building blocks. Our laboratory is designed for explorers; those who are inspired by what can be and are willing to take the step to enter into a whole new world of science; those who want to change our world.